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Purpose Driven

purpose driven

Our purpose goes beyond skin deep

At Rytualist, we consider ourselves a skincare business with a mission. We believe in creating a culture that empowers us to acknowledge and nurture the importance of self-care, regardless of what form that takes. Most of us may define self-care as simply allowing ourselves time to care for our physical and mental wellbeing through activities that support that, such as meditation, hiking, yoga, massage, skincare, or cozying up with a book. We recognize, however, that there are others who are in situations where their self-care needs are much more basic. We are purpose driven and have made it our mission to donate our time and a portion of our profits to organizations that support the self-care needs of women and girls.

Causes we care about


Collect the Cotton

A basic, self-care need for women and girls are menstrual products. We seldom hear much about accessibility of menstrual products in mainstream media but what we do know is that they are expensive and not usually available at food pantries. There is one organization who’s trying to destigmatize how we think and talk about menstrual products, as well as advocate for and provide free products to any girl or woman who needs them.

Collect The Cotton is a grassroots organization that provides pads, tampons, and toilet paper to people in Cumberland County, Maine. Their product distribution is currently focused on local communities, schools and non-profit organizations, but they have ongoing advocacy efforts that have a far broader reach.

We are excited to work with Collect The Cotton and will continue to collaborate with them throughout 2023 to support this under-represented initiative. Visit their facebook site and learn more about their organization here:

girls on run

Girls on the Run Maine

We love the organization Girls on the Run (GOTR), an initiative that originated in 1996 to inspire all girls to build confidence and make intentional decisions. Through physical activity and meaningful discussions, trained coaches help attendees build social, emotional and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life.

GOTR provides positive youth development (PYD) programs for girls of varied ages that seek the additional support and community to nurture self-care and empowerment. The Maine GOTR council has been active since 2012 and has grown to support more than 1300 girls annually. We encourage you to learn more about their organization

Rytualist continues to support

Are you part of an organization local to our Maine community that supports and empowers women? We’re always open to feedback and suggestions in an effort to support our local community in the best, most effective way possible. Connect with us on social or contact us here!